melancholy which enhances and becomes as yours does.
Well, things are a little better now. A sandwich is a simple thing to see, but a satisfying thing to eat. How can you drink so steadily without eating? Perhaps you ate before you came here but I doubt it. More people coming all the time and very few leaving. That is the trouble with public places. They clutter up so easily. The two girls in the booth next to yours look very happy, almost as if they were celebrating an occasion. I'd like to be as young as they are, or would I? No, probably not. There is too much growing and changing to do when you are that young. I don't feel like growing or changing tonight. Maybe tomorrow, but not tonight.
Oh, oh, you are looking about ready to leave. Look over here once before you go. I want to know if you even remember me. Dear Jan, remember me.
Tuesday, Nov. 26 Leo Zeff, clinical payahologist, speak on "Depth Psychology and Religion" at the public discussion meeting, 465 Geary St. The room has been changed to Studio 30 (third floor). Time remains 8:15 p.m. This should be a revealing and challenging egening.
Friday, Dec. 6 Gab 'n Java session at 2217 Fillmore St., Informal bull session type meeting for
8 p.m. women only.
Wednesday, Dec. 11 Monthly business meeting, 2174 California St., 8 p.m., basement apartment.
Tuesday, Dec. 17
Ernest Besig, head of the Northern California division of the American Civil Liberties Union, will speak on "Your Civil Liberties" at 8:15 p.m., 465 Geary St., Studio 30.